Real Experience
Bee Future Aviators (BFA) is a conducting an exciting scheme dedicated to school students aged 10-18 years old , this scheme allows youngsters to get an insight about various Aviation roles, not just talking about it , but experiencing it themselves. This scheme aims at encouraging them in dreaming big in becoming part of the future of aviation.
Part of the scheme is a short flight experience in a light airplane which may ignite an inspiration to some of them into a flying role in the future either as a career or as an interest.
A clear career guidance is vital in every student’s decision of what they want to be in the future, illustrating the gap between the education and the career is part of our responsibility, in order to inspire youngsters to study harder at their school and finding a motivation for them to succeed is the main goal.
Aviation Introduction is meant to widen the students vision of how their educational background is linked and applied in Aviation.
A pref-flight briefing is conducted to each of those students groups, which allow them to inquire and discover more about flying in an engaging experience.
You can teach a student a lesson for a day, but if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives
An interactive Air Traffic Control (ATC) visit allows the students to gain a valuable knowledge about the role of being an ATC controller and what challenges do they face on a daily operation , moreover the required skills needed for this job if they pursue such a career in the future.
Students will gain an insight about Engineering aspects in Aviation, by this exposure some might find themselves interested in such a field of Aviation and hence get inspired.
Keeping the students engaged with Aviation related Activities is the key factor in developing their interest in such a career , we are achieving the continuity by giving them the opportunity to be enrolled in Air museum and Air shows trips during school vacations, where they will discover more about the history of Aviation.
Register your company, school, or flying club with us today!